The main aim of having a befriender is to bring friendship and company and to relieve social isolation. Your Befriender will chat over a cup of tea, may play board games or go for a walk, but mostly what they do is listen and offer support. They do not carry out personal care or household chores.
If you sometimes feel isolated or would like to increase your confidence then getting a befriender may be ideal for you.
If you think our scheme can help, you can refer yourself or through another route such as a family member, social worker or health worker. After your referral form is received, you will be visited by the co-ordinator and an assessment is made and our service is discussed. Due to demand for our service it is likely you will be placed on our waiting list – this is addressed in order of date referral received and the level of support and interaction the person already has in place. As soon as possible we will match you with a volunteer who will visit you regularly in your own home.
Please note: We operate in Trafford. Please only complete the form below if you live in this geographical area. Feel free to call us to enquire about other befriending services in your area on 0161 942 9465 and we will try to assist as much as possible.
The main aim of having a befriender is to bring friendship and company and to relieve social isolation. Your Befriender will chat over a cup of tea, may play board games or go for a walk, but mostly what they do is listen and offer support. They do not carry out personal care or household chores.
If you sometimes feel isolated or would like to increase your confidence then getting a befriender may be ideal for you.
If you think our scheme can help, you can refer yourself or through another route such as a family member, social worker or health worker. After your referral form is received, you will be visited by the co-ordinator and an assessment is made and our service is discussed. Due to demand for our service it is likely you will be placed on our waiting list – this is addressed in order of date referral received and the level of support and interaction the person already has in place. As soon as possible we will match you with a volunteer who will visit you regularly in your own home.
Please note: We operate in Trafford. Please only complete the form below if you live in this geographical area. Feel free to call us to enquire about other befriending services in your area on 0161 942 9465 and we will try to assist as much as possible.